

Anthony and Lee Stembrite from the middle of USA. Lee (right) is Anthonys father, a Visual Artist, Poet, Writer, Photographer, and he is Aboriginal Native American from the Tribal Nation's of The Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, with a bit a Fox-Saux mixed..
Anthony and Lee Stembrite from the middle of USA. Lee (right) is Anthonys father, a Visual Artist, Poet, Writer, Photographer, and he is Aboriginal Native American from the Tribal Nation's of The Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, with a bit a Fox-Saux mixed..
SCSA directory board (from left to right): Sebastian Goop, Vlado Franjevic, Johannes Inama
SCSA directory board (from left to right): Sebastian Goop, Vlado Franjevic, Johannes Inama
RTV Prievidza, Slovakia reported about SPIRAL-CHANNELS Earth Day 2014 in Slovakia
RTV Prievidza, Slovakia reported about SPIRAL-CHANNELS Earth Day 2014 in Slovakia
Hans Axel Kraemer sent us this photo from Philippines and is connected so to SPIRAL-CHANNELS EARTH DAY 2015 project.
Hans Axel Kraemer sent us this photo from Philippines and is connected so to SPIRAL-CHANNELS EARTH DAY 2015 project.
Janja Heij, teacher from Obrh pri Dragatušu in Slovenia with their pupils in 7th SPIRAL-CHANNEL
Janja Heij, teacher from Obrh pri Dragatušu in Slovenia with their pupils in 7th SPIRAL-CHANNEL
Liechtensteiner Vaterland 23.4.2015 - www.vaterland.li
Liechtensteiner Vaterland 23.4.2015 - www.vaterland.li

Album 1: 21.4.2015 / Liechtenstein

album 2: 22.4.2015 / Liechtenstein

Liechtensteiner Volksblatt 23.4.2015 - www.volksblatt.li
Liechtensteiner Volksblatt 23.4.2015 - www.volksblatt.li

Milan Blaháč

Posted by Art point on Freitag, 24. April 2015

Kommentar schreiben

Kommentare: 2
  • #1

    Lee Stembrite (Dienstag, 21 April 2015 09:51)

    Hello to Everyone, Guten Tag, Oh Si Yoh!!!!, It is wonderful to see that we are now represented in Spiral-Channels with both myself and Anthony Stembrite and our NEW little plant of Wonderful grapes bush/vine.... our next planting will be of lovely Native American "Purple Coneflower", Echinacea Purpurea, which is a wonderful Perennial Medicinal Herb and flower! In my Native Cultural teachings, if a person needs help from a plant, like an Herb, we are to search it out and pass up the first three of the same herbs, and then ask permission of the Fourth plant before taking any part for our use... in this way we are respectful of all the plants and ensure that they continue to thrive and survive...and to never take more than what we need! Anthony and I are proud to give back to the Earth (E lo hi) by planting Grape vines that will eventually bear purple grapes and to plant purple coneflower that will be allowed to spread in the wild! Thank-you All!!!

  • #2

    Vlado Franjevic (Dienstag, 21 April 2015 10:31)

    Dear Lee and Anthony, we are so much thankful you sent us your positive energy, take care about the Mother Earth, teaching us about Your native culture and are so nice to participate in the SPIRAL-CHANNELS action. We understand this as a big compliment! And hope now you follow us on this site where we'll meet hopefully many other nice people ready for exchange of good minds in a positive atmosphere... Have a very nice time and all the best from the Principality of Liechtenstein.