event in vaduz 28.11.2018

Spiral-Channels Support Association organized an Event on 28th November 2018 in Liechtenstein National Museum in Vaduz. We had here special international guests like Sudhir Sharmaone of most famous graphic designer Indias & Thomas Schauffert, composer, musician and inspirer (with his friends) from Switzerland. 

Snapshot landesmuseum.li Sudhir Sharma & Vlado Franjevic
Snapshot landesmuseum.li Sudhir Sharma & Vlado Franjevic

Both daily newspapers Liechtensteins reported on 28th November 2018 about our event. We're very much thankful! Here on the right you see the copy of Liechtensteiner Volksblatt.

This event was supported from one interesting geopolitical and culture distance - Slovenia (where the 6th projects issue was realized). Erika Kralj who is since 2013 connected to the project made this interesting interview with Sudhir and published short before our event. Please watch and listen video here below. You'll be for sure positive inspired after that! Thank you. As also Erika!  

Prof. Dr. Rainer Vollkommer, Director of Liechtenstein National Museum was the first who told short to the audience. After that Vlado Franjević, SCSA president, presented the Association and his interdisciplinary work in progress project. On the end, Sudhir Sharma presented great Indian design and 100th issue of his art and design magazine POOL. Good to know, exactly with our show here in Liechtenstein Sharma started a big international promotion of his magazine. Few of next destinations are: Singapore, Hamburg, Munich, Dubai and so on... 


Btw. the Speeches was brocken with wonderful music composed by Thomas Schauffert and all event was on this way of course much, much more interesting. Audience liked it! 


Here bellow you find a photo documentation of our event made by Sven Beham, one of the best known photographers in the Principality of Liechtenstein. We are so much thankful that he supported on this way our event, btw. Association! 

Here we have a few more interesting photos. Hope you'll like all that photo documentation. Please be nice and write your comments about your feeling when you see and read this informations! Here bellow on the page bottom please! Thank you so much in advance

Here bellow in this video you listen the first Schauffert's song/composition at that event and also the speech of Prof.Dr. Rainer Vollkommer, director of Liechtenstein National Museum in Vaduz.

Here in this video you listen music composed and plaid by Thomas and you watch and listen the first part of Sudhir Sharma's presentation!


Here in this video bellow you listen the speech of SPIRAL-CHANNELS project author and SCSA president Vlado Franjević.



Here in this video bellow you listen the second part of Sudhir's presentation and a little bit of music composed and plaid by Thomas! You listen also very short Prof.Dr. Rainer Vollkommer and Vlado.

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