2011 entwickelte Vlado mit seiner Gattin Rajka Poljak die fünfte Folge seines Work in Progress Projektes im Rahmen der einer internationalen Künstlerkolonie in Vukovar, Kroatien. Das von Vlado vorgegebene Thema hiess „Wenn ich Kroatien wäre... (in Vukovar)“. Dieses Thema ist verwandt mit dem Thema mit dem Vlado in Serbien arbeitete. In Vukovar lernte Vlado den Künstlerkollege Roman Turcel aus der Slowakei kennen der den sechsten Spiralkanal in 2013 ermöglichte. Romans und Vlados Mitarbeit endete hier nicht! Im 2015 arbeitete Roman Turcel und seine Crew am SPIRAL-CHANNELS EARTH DAY und er war der aktive Mitwirkende im gleichen Jahr im SPIRAL-CHANNEL "Welt mit 3 Worte" Projekt in Kroatien.
2011 Vlado developed the 5th part of his work in progress project (land art + artistic installation) in the frame of an international artist colony in Vukovar, Croatia. Vlado worked there with his own theme "If I were Croatia... (in Vukovar)" which was closed to his project in Serbia 2005. Vlado met in Vukovar his Artist colleague Roman Turcel from Slovakia who support and host the realization of the 6th SPIRAL-CHANNEL. Roman and Vlado forwarded theirs common working process in the frame of Spiral-CHANNELS. First in 2013 in the projects called SPIRAL-CHANNELS EARTH DAY in Slovakia and "World with 3 words" in 2015 in Croatia!
2011. je Vlado nastavio razvijati ovaj kompleksni projekt progresivnog rada (land art + umjetnička instalacija) realizirajući njegov peti nastavak u sklopu jedne međunarodne likovne kolonije u Vukovaru, Hrvatska. Vlado je radio tamo sa vlastitom temom: "Kad bih bio Hrvatska... (u Vukovaru)" a što je na neki način tematski nastavak na rad u Srbiji 2005. Franjević je u Vukovaru upoznao kolegu Romana Turcela koji je omogućio realizaciju šestog spiralnog kanala u Slovačkoj.
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