2008 Vlado Franjević realized also the 4th part of his complex work in progress project (land art + artistic installation) in Ruggell, P. Liechtenstein. Thematically was this closed to the work in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It called "Magic of Water". The organizer of Vlados action KMH worked with the theme water all this year long.

2008 realisierte Vlado Franjević auch vierte Folge seines Work in Progress Projektes (Land arte + künstlerische Installation) im Rahmen eines Programms des KMH in Ruggell, F.Liechtenstein. Thematisch berührte dieses Projekt das Projekt in Bosnien und Herzegowina. Es hiess „Magie des Wassers“.

Gut zu lesen die Beiträge des Dr. Johannes Inama, Leiter des KMH und Stan Lafleur, Author aus Köln. Danke 

2008. je Vlado Franjević nastavio razvijati ovaj kompleksni projekt progresivnog rada (land art + umjetnička instalacija) realizirajući četvrti nastavak u Ruggellu, Kneževina Lihtenštajn. Tematski se ovaj nastavak nadovezao na djelovanje u Bosni i Hercegovini - zvao se "Magija vode". KMH, organizator Vladine akcije, radio je sa tom temom cijelu tu godinu.


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